F230 Smithys Special
Posted by: Zork V
S 37° 47.856 E 175° 16.783
60H E 348543 N 5815247
This train is on display near the enterance of the Hamilton Domain.
Waymark Code: WM5HDN
Location: North Island, New Zealand
Date Posted: 01/08/2009
Views: 22
Built in Glasgow in 1880 for the NZ Govt Railways for whom it served New Plymouth, Palmerston Nth, Napier and Wellington. It was sold in 1945 to haul train loads of logs to the Mangapehi Mill.
When presented to this park in November in 1957 it was still in working trim.
Locomotive Type: (required): Steam
Do you need to pay an entrance fee to view this locomotive? (required): No
If a fee is required what is the approximate cost for admittance? (optional): $0 --> No fee required
How accessible is this locomotive display? (Required): Display is designed to allow additional climbing access.
If "other" what is the engine type? (optional): Not listed
Visit Instructions:Waymark creators for this category are encouraged to create a visit verification question for visitors. See individual waymarks for specific logging criteria.
Photos of visits are encouraged but not required for this category.