Chimney on Southover Grange, Lewes, Sussex, UK.
Posted by: Flymgibet
N 50° 52.240 E 000° 00.420
31U E 289418 N 5639711
Chimneys on Lewes Register Office
Waymark Code: WM5CEA
Location: United Kingdom
Date Posted: 12/17/2008
Views: 14
These Chimneys are on the Building now known as Lewes Register Office located on Southover St.
The chimney listed has a Bell on the north side of the chimney and a Sundial on the south side.
Southover Grange, Lewes formerly known as Southover House or Southover Priory, was built by William Newton with Caen stone taken from the nearby ruins of St Pancras Priory. The date 1572 on the spandrels of the Newton Room fireplace has usually been taken as the year of erection.
There is also on this site a public garden with other listed Waymarks.
Private or Public Property?: Public
What material is it made from?: Brick
Estimated Height of chimney (please include whether metres or feet): 15 mtr
Type of building e.g. house, hotel etc: Public Register Office
How do you rate it?:
When was it made?: Not listed
Website with further information: Not listed
Visit Instructions:
When visiting a unique chimney or chimney pot you must post an original picture with your visit log. Please describe the condition and make your log interesting.