Crucified Christ - Aquia Harbor, Va
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N 38° 28.522 W 077° 23.581
18S E 291249 N 4261273
A crucifix created to commemorate the first English Catholic settlers in Virginia
Waymark Code: WM5BFM
Location: Virginia, United States
Date Posted: 12/13/2008
Views: 20
A crucifix erected in 1930 by the Catholic Woman's Club of Richmond, Va to commemorate the first English Catholic settlers in Virginia.
That the beauty of
his countenance be
not hidden from
his own
That his wounds
and woe wherein
he wrote his love
be known to
all the people
he redeemed
Inscription by: Father Walter Nott (1891-1932)
           THE KING
   To commemorate the first
English Catholic settlers
             in Virginia:
Colonel Giles Brent, deputy,
Governor of Maryland 1643;
Margaret and Mary Brent
who settled at Aquia 1647;
George Brent, king's attorney
general 1686, member House of
Burgesses 1688, who petitioned
for and obtained on Feb. 10th
1686 from James II, King of
England, a proclamation of
religious tolerance for all
people settling in the
       colony of Brenton.
Nearby rest the remains of
   these Catholic pioneers.
      RICHMOND, VA. 1930.
Associated Religion(s): Christianity
 Statue Location: Intersection of State Route 1 and Telegraph road in Aquia Harbor, Va
 Entrance Fee: None
 Artist: "The Crucifix" by sculptor George J. Lober,
 Website: [Web Link]

Visit Instructions:
Take a picture of the statue. A waymarker and/or GPSr is not required to be in the image but it doesn't hurt.