Ebenezer Hopkins House (1737) - Haddon Township, NJ
N 39° 55.456 W 075° 03.705
18S E 494723 N 4419353
This old brick house must of had quite a view a few hundred years ago. Situated on the Cooper River, it was undoubtedly visited by passing ships and probably played an important role with local commerce given the house's relative position.
Waymark Code: WM56NJ
Location: New Jersey, United States
Date Posted: 11/19/2008
Views: 23
The original Hopkins House (now the west wing) is a Georgian style building built in the 1740s. The newer east wing was a project of the Works Progress Administration. Beginning in 1935, WPA workers began to widen and straighten the narrow, winding Cooper River and to fill in its marshy banks for use as a recreation area. The old west wing, which now houses galleries for the display of art, was renovated by the WPA in 1938-39. The newer east wing, which houses the offices of the CCCHC, a storage space, and public restrooms, was added at that time. SOURCE
There are tours of the house if you are interested. There is a historical marker on the porch which explains in limited detail the history of the home. While I was there, the immediate area was packed with visitors and the house's parking lot was filled to capacity.
For some other information on this old home, please visit the following sites: