Maestre Bilo Gazebo - Santana de Parnaiba, Brazil
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member saopaulo1
S 23° 26.758 W 046° 54.871
23K E 304422 N 7405809
Gazebo in Santana de Parnaiba, Brazil.
Waymark Code: WM4YNP
Location: Brazil
Date Posted: 10/14/2008
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member riston2
Views: 4

The gazebo in the Praca 14 de Novembro in Santana de Parnaiba dates back to the last century.The metal used in it comes from England. It was built in 1892 and restored in the 1960s. The gazebo is a city tourist attraction and is also waymark WM1Y7G.
Seating Type: No Seating

Location: Praca 14 de Novembro

Materials Used: Other (Describe Below)

Other Material Used: metal and cement

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A clear photo of the gazebo would be nice. Tell about your experience there.
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saopaulo1 visited Maestre Bilo Gazebo - Santana de Parnaiba, Brazil 10/14/2008 saopaulo1 visited it

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