Laura Secord - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
N 45° 25.469 W 075° 41.715
18T E 445609 N 5030341
Statue of Laura Secord at the Valiants Memorial in Ottawa, Ontario.
Waymark Code: WM4V4A
Location: Ontario, Canada
Date Posted: 09/30/2008
Views: 97
The Valiants Memorial (French: Monument aux Valeureux) is a military monument located in the Canadian capital of Ottawa, commemorating fourteen signal figures from the military history of the country.
The work consists of nine busts and five statues, all life-sized, by artists Marlene Hilton Moore and John McEwen. It was installed around the Sappers Staircase, an underpass on the northeastern corner of Confederation Square, adjacent to the National War Memorial. The wall of the staircase is decorated with a quotation from The Aeneid by Virgil: Nulla dies umquam memori vos eximet aevo, "No day will ever erase you from the memory of time". The monument was dedicated by Governor General Michaëlle Jean on November 5, 2006.
One of the statues is Laura Secord
Text from plaque:
Laura Secord, UE
1775 - 1868
Thanks to Laura Secord, nearly 500 Americans surrendered at Beaver Dams in 1813, and a British defeat was averted. She had overheard plans for a surprice attack and struggled alone through miles of dense bush to warn the commander of the British outpost.
War of 1812.
Date Erected/Dedicated: November 5, 2006
 Who put it there? Private/Government?: Government
 Location/Address: Wellington Street Ottawa, Ontario Canada ---
 County/Province: Ontario
 Website (related) if available: [Web Link]
 Hours or Restrictions if Appropiate: From: 12:00 AM To: 12:00 AM
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