North Ponds Park
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N 43° 12.967 W 077° 26.393
18T E 301823 N 4787704
A nice fitness trail around a couple of ponds.
Waymark Code: WM4T4X
Location: New York, United States
Date Posted: 09/26/2008
Views: 15
This is a nice trail with lots of geese and ducks along the way. There are often lots of people out walking, many with dogs. The park isn't what it used to be as they have built up condos on one side and a hotel on the other, but it's still a nice place to visit.
There are a few geocaches and letterboxes in the area as well.
Number of Stations: 10
 Wheelchair Accessible: yes
 Degree of Difficulty: easy

Visit Instructions:
To log a visit to a Fitness Trail waymark please post a picture of yourself (or a partner) at one of the stations performing the exercise and let us know what the exercise is. If you are alone, an original picture of one of the stations will suffice.
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