Carlson's Lime Kiln ~ Red Wing Minnesota
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member MNSearchers
N 44° 34.213 W 092° 31.250
15T E 538047 N 4935320
Carlson Lime Kiln ~ Red Wing, Minnesota is on the Minnesota Preservation Alliance’s 10 Most Endangered Historic Properties list.
Waymark Code: WM4M49
Location: Minnesota, United States
Date Posted: 09/05/2008
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Crystal Sound
Views: 22

Into the base of Barn Bluff is the 1882 lime kiln built
by entrepreneur G. A. Carlson. Lime kilns, used to heat limestone
to extreme temperatures to produce the lime necessary for mortar,
were instrumental in Red Wing’s economic and industrial development.
The 500 barrels of lime a day produced by the kiln also
contributed to the built heritage of Minnesota. Today, the
Carlson kiln, within the Red Wing park system, is in need of basic
stabilization measures and suffers from a lack of public visibility
and awareness. Burdened by a lack of re-use solutions and severely
limited funding, the city is unable to sufficiently maintain and
interpret this site, so symbolic of Minnesota’s industrial past.

article of above written in the summer/fall 2002
Type of Oven / Kiln: Lime / Limestone

Status: Historical Site

Operating Dates: 1875-1899

Website: [Web Link]

Additional Coordinate: Not Listed

Additional Coordinate Description: Not listed

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