Burger Chef - Plumb Lane - Reno, NV
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member saopaulo1
N 39° 30.356 W 119° 47.779
11S E 259577 N 4376656
A former Burger Chef now a Mexican restaurant.
Waymark Code: WM4KHE
Location: Nevada, United States
Date Posted: 09/03/2008
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Lord Elwood
Views: 45

From a Burger Chef fan site: "I enjoyed going to Burger Chef as a kid in the early 70's. I don't know all the incarnations the one here in Reno, Nevada on Plumb Lane has had, but it is currently thriving as a local franchise called Super Burrito." (visit link)
What is the street address of this location: 490 Plumb Lane

What is this Burger Chef used as today?: Super Burrito

Visit Instructions:
Please post at least one original photo of your visit. We realize that some of these locations may be abandoned so a single photos is acceptable. Try to photograph different aspects or angles of the facility or site. We also encourage you to share your personal recollections of the site or Burger Chef in General.
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Papou visited Burger Chef - Plumb Lane - Reno, NV 10/17/2013 Papou visited it
Queens Blessing visited Burger Chef - Plumb Lane - Reno, NV 10/16/2012 Queens Blessing visited it
ornith visited Burger Chef - Plumb Lane - Reno, NV 10/16/2012 ornith visited it
Mom the Cook & cashnhubby visited Burger Chef - Plumb Lane - Reno, NV 11/08/2011 Mom the Cook & cashnhubby visited it
CharlyBaltimore visited Burger Chef - Plumb Lane - Reno, NV 08/26/2011 CharlyBaltimore visited it
Lord Mot visited Burger Chef - Plumb Lane - Reno, NV 09/04/2010 Lord Mot visited it
saopaulo1 visited Burger Chef - Plumb Lane - Reno, NV 09/10/2008 saopaulo1 visited it

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