Megalith - Luxemburg / Reckange(Mersch)
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member snoopy-doopy
N 49° 45.552 E 006° 04.560
32U E 289415 N 5515961
Megalith - Luxemburg / Reckange(Mersch)
Waymark Code: WM4GRV
Location: Luxembourg
Date Posted: 08/23/2008
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member snaik
Views: 87

Type: Menhir

Parking: N 49° 45.585 W 006° 04.744

Number: 1.00

The standing stone, or "menhir", is 3 metres high, 0.7 metres wide, and weighs around 4 tonnes.

It is made from sandstone and owes its yellow-brown colour to its high iron content. It appears to have been shaped to give it an "anthropomorphic" form.

Purpose: Not listed

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