Cristobal Colon - Cartagena, Spain
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member BarbershopDru
N 37° 35.908 W 000° 58.915
30S E 678153 N 4163180
A grand statue of Cristobal Colon looking out to the Mediterranean Sea.
Waymark Code: WM4BF1
Location: Spain
Date Posted: 08/02/2008
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member Mark1962
Views: 73

Perhaps better known in most parts of the world as Christopher Columbus, in Spain he is Cristobal Colon.

I am giving the main link in Spanish for my friends in Spain to appreciate. Those of us in America will already know the in "1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue" and can find some history here...

Anyway you look at it, did he "discover" America or not, Cristobal Colon is a very important figure in World history as well as American and Spanish history.
URL of the statue: [Web Link]

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Senior_Stoltze visited Cristobal Colon - Cartagena, Spain 03/23/2010 Senior_Stoltze visited it