Golden Palace - Haddonfield, NJ
N 39° 53.847 W 075° 02.000
18S E 497150 N 4416375
This is a local (and only) Chinese restaurant located in this historic district on the East side of Kings Highway. The restaurant sits in a narrow building which happens to also be a supporting structure to the NHRP district.
Waymark Code: WM4BAE
Location: New Jersey, United States
Date Posted: 08/01/2008
Views: 47
I have only eaten here a couple of times. It is a very standard Chinese restaurant, complete with the picture menu over the counter. The store is part of a larger brick building which used to be a home, but now, sub-divided to accommodate multiple businesses. There are no tables; it is a grab-your-food-and -get-out kind of place.
They have an on-line take-out menu here --> (
visit link)
109 Kings Hwy E
Haddonfield, NJ 08033
(856) 354-9709
Cuisine: Chinese, Asian
Neighborhood: Haddonfield (Camden County)
Delivery: No delivery