Cut Bench Mark on St Johns Church, Westfield, East Sussex
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member RocketRon47
N 50° 54.472 E 000° 34.392
31U E 329385 N 5642384
Cut bench mark on St John the Baptist Church, Main Road, Westfield, East Sussex
Waymark Code: WM46V5
Location: United Kingdom
Date Posted: 07/16/2008
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member harleydavidsonandy
Views: 33

This bench mark is on the East wall of the church near the left hand corner and is easily seen and accessible. Ample parking is available next to the church.
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2. An area photo including the waymark in the view is highly appreciated.
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Velosaurus visited Cut Bench Mark on St Johns Church, Westfield, East Sussex 10/07/2015 Velosaurus visited it