Ronald McDonald House - Lexington, KY
N 38° 01.405 W 084° 30.108
16S E 719282 N 4211359
This Ronald McDonald House is located right across the street from Commonwealth Stadium at the University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.
Waymark Code: WM42JR
Location: Kentucky, United States
Date Posted: 06/28/2008
Views: 138
In Lexington a need for a RMDH was recognized by doctors and parents of children who had undergone treatment in our area hospitals. The Fayette County Medical Society and Auxiliary, parents, McDonald's representatives and other volunteers formed a non-profit organization called Children's Oncology Services of the Bluegrass, Inc. It's purpose was to establish and operate the Ronald McDonald House of Lexington. (COS is now called Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Bluegrass.)
The University of Kentucky Athletic Department provided a 1.43 acre site near Commonwealth Stadium and convenient to all area medical centers. Successful fundraising by committed volunteers resulted in a 17 bedroom House opening debt-free in December 1984. Since that time, our Ronald McDonald House has served over 20,000 families. While most of these have come from central and eastern Kentucky, the House has served families from all parts of Kentucky, 38 states and 9 foreign countries.
Families staying at the Ronald McDonald House for the first time must be referred by a physician or hospital/medical center personnel. The Ronald McDonald House accepts referrals from all following area hospitals and medical centers:
Kentucky Children’s Hospital
Central Baptist Hospital
St. Joseph East Hospital
St. Joseph Hospital
Cardinal Hill Rehabilitation Hospital
Shriner’s Hospital
Gill Heart Institute
Ridge Behavioral Health System
Kentucky Eye Clinic
Kentucky Clinic
Good Samaritan Hospital
…and local outpatient surgery centers.
House volunteers provide van service to these locations three times per day.
Address: 1300 Sports Center Drive Lexington, KY USA 40502
 Phone Number: 859-268-0757
 Number of Rooms: 20
 Date Founded: December 1984
 Web Site for this Ronald McDonald House: [Web Link]
 Name of nearby Hospital(s) served: Numerous in the Lexington area
 Web Site for the Hospital served: Several

Visit Instructions:
Please give the date and short account of your visit to this Ronald McDonald House.