Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass - Lexington, KY
N 38° 03.255 W 084° 28.135
16S E 722075 N 4214858
Big Brothers Big Sister of the Bluegrass is located in Lexington, Kentucky.
Waymark Code: WM42JK
Location: Kentucky, United States
Date Posted: 06/28/2008
Views: 124
Early in 1955, the advisory Committee to Fayette Juvenile Court began discussion concerning the possibility of forming a Big Brothers agency for Lexington. In February 1955, a meeting of persons from various community groups and clubs was held and it was agreed to seek the help of Big Brothers of America in setting up an agency to meet the needs of boys who had been appearing before the court. It was felt the boys could be rehabilitated through a Big brother program.
The Lexington community leaders and interested individuals set up a steering committee to establish a Big Brothers Agency in Lexington. August 7, 1957, Big Brothers of Lexington, Inc. was chartered as a non-profit corporation in Kentucky to serve father absent boys who because of death, divorce or imprisonment have been left without an adult male in their home.
The Big Brothers of Lexington, Inc. program was guided and developed by Executive Director, Lloyd F. Bell, from 1961 until his retirement in June 1975. Mr. Bell and a strong Board of Directors developed a top notch organization which was and is dedicated to serving children in the Bluegrass area. Big Sisters was added to our program in 1977.
Today, Big Brothers/Big Sisters of the Bluegrass,Inc. is operated by a 20-55 member volunteer Board.
Web Address or URL: [Web Link]
 Physical Address: 1122 Oak Hill Drive Lexington, KY USA 40505

Visit Instructions:
When visiting a waymark, please take a picture that clearly shows the Big Brothers Big Sisters sign. If you have a picture with yourself at the sign, that would be great too. Also, if you've ever been a Big Brother or Big Sister, tell us a little about your experience with the program.