Mazatlan, Mexico
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member Cruiseologist
N 23° 11.600 W 106° 24.897
13Q E 355190 N 2565626
Mazatlan is a popular "Mexican Riveria" cruise port-of-call. Many of the major cruise lines visit here.
Waymark Code: WM424V
Location: Sinaloa, Mexico
Date Posted: 06/26/2008
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member kJfishman
Views: 90

When you get off the ship a "tram" will take you to the gate where you can catch tours, taxies, shop, etc... Be prepared to run the "gantlet" of vendors, tour operators & taxi drivers. We hired a taxi to take us to Golden Zone area for some shopping. Then we hired another taxi to take us to the base of the small mountian you can see at the entrance to the harbor with a light house on top. There is a gravel road that zig zags up the mountain. It is a good hike, but the view is wonderful at the top. The picture above was taken on top of this mountian looking down on the cruise port.
Name of the Cruise Ship if one is in 'Port'.: Celebrity Mecury

Date you visited or photographed this 'Cruiseship and Port ': 12/05/2005

Visit Instructions:
We are looking for a picture of a ship or ships in the port and any additional photos from the general area if possible. Please pass along your personal experience in that port and any advice for others traveling to that port.
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