Muddy Creek Camp and Crossing - 511
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N 41° 16.161 W 110° 36.196
12T E 533229 N 4568734
The Muddy Creek Camp, which was northwest of this marker and on the west side of the Muddy Creek was used by Brigham Young's first group of Mormon pioneers who arrived here on July 9, 1847.
Waymark Code: WM424R
Location: Wyoming, United States
Date Posted: 06/26/2008
Views: 47
The Muddy Creek Camp, which was northwest of this marker and on the west side of the Muddy Creek was used by Brigham Young's first group of Mormon pioneers who arrived here on July 9, 1847. Thomas Bullock reported that the brethren sang hymns for President Brigham Young, and they had a delightful evening. This camp had good water and plenty of grass, and the animals were well-fed by the tall bunch-grass growing along the creek. Erastus Snow described the campground as "very pretty."
It was one of the most heavily used camps on the Overland-Mormon-California-Pony Express Trails. Approximately 70,000 Mormon pioneers crossed, passed through, or camped at Muddy Creek Campground. The U.S. Army camped here with 2,000 men in June of 1858. Both the Martin and the Willie handcart companies crossed here in November of 1856 while traveling with rescue wagons. The Muddy Overland Stage Stop and Pony Express Station were located at this site, and foundation stones may still be seen along the west bank of Muddy Creek. The road by this marker was the original Transcontinental Railroad bed of 1869. The Transcontinental Telegraph, automobile road, and stageline either go through the campground or are very nearby, making Muddy Creek Camp an important park of this area's history.
Marker Name: Muddy Creek Camp and Crossing
 Marker Number: 511
 Marker Text: Not listed

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