Center of Population Florida 2000 - Ft. Meade, FL
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N 27° 45.125 W 081° 48.109
17R E 420982 N 3069997
Located on the corner of US 17 and Broadway St. next to the City Hall in Ft. Meade, Florida.
Waymark Code: WM41PV
Location: Florida, United States
Date Posted: 06/24/2008
Views: 70
The marker states:
Each decade, after it tabulates the decennial census, the U.S. Census Bureau calculates the center of population for the U.S. and each state. The center is determined as the place where an imaginary, flat, weightless, and rigid map of each state would balance perfectly if all residents were of identical weight. On April 1, 2000, Florida's population was determined to be 15,982,378. Based on that number and the geographic configuation of the state, the centroid of population for Florida was computed at latitude 27.795850 North and longitude 81.634622 West. This computed center point falls on the east side of Lake Buffum located approximately 10.6 miles from this location. Due to the remote location of the true point, {at this time in history} this offset point was established to commemorate Florida's center of population at the beginning of the new century, this marker was incorporated into the state's high precision geodetic network and has a geogaphic position of latitude 27.752022 North and longitude 81.801788 West.
Provided courtesy of the Florida Surveying and Mapping Society
Monumentation Type: other (not included below)
 Monumentation Type (if other): Granite Slab
 Monument Category: other (not included below)
 Monument Category (if other): Population Center Monument
 Accessible to general public: yes
 Historical significance: The Florida Surveying and Mapping Society had this granite monument made to serve as an offset point to the actual location of the 2000 census center of population. The true location of the center of population for Florida is on the eastside of Lake Buffum.
 Monument Website: [Web Link]
 County: Polk County
 Approximate date of monument: 04/01/2000
 Explain Non-Public access: Not listed
 USGS Quad: Not listed
 NGS PID: Not listed
 Other Coordinates: Not Listed
 Other Coordinates details: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
1. A closeup photo of the monument is required.
2. A 'distant' photo including the monument in the view is highly recommended. Include the compass direction you faced when you took the picture.