Hueston Woods State Park Lodge - OH
N 39° 34.352 W 084° 45.069
16S E 693162 N 4382729
Hidden gem of a lodge in a southwestern Ohio State Park. Nearest big cities are Dayton, OH and Cincinnati, OH
Waymark Code: WM3TAG
Location: Ohio, United States
Date Posted: 05/15/2008
Views: 79
The following is taken from the Lodge website: The 96-room Hueston Woods Lodge is situated on a bluff overlooking Acton Lake. It’s open year round. Amenities include a dining room, snack bar, gift shop, meeting rooms, lounge, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, game room, and lighted tennis court.
It may show some signs of wear, but Hueston Woods State Park Lodge is still a great place to get away from the modern world and relax. Take a look at the photos and see the mid 20C style of lodge architecture.
Daily, weekly, or monthly rates: Varies - see website
Discounts available?: AAA -
call lodge for other discounts
Refrigerator in room?: Yes
Fireplaces in the rooms?: No
Internet access in rooms or in other areas?: Yes
Handicap accessible rooms?: Yes
Restaurant on premises and type of restaurant?: Yes see Trailblazer Dining Room
Swimming pool?: Indoor and Outdoor
Meeting or convention room(s) available?: Yes
Office hours and any seasonal operating times or closed periods?: Open year round
Describe ease of accessibility to the location using a vehicle, hiking, etc.: Paved drive off of St. Rt. 732.
Office phone number: 513.664.3500
Office address: 5201 Lodge Road College Corner, OH USA 45003
Website of facility: [Web Link]
Types of recreation, activities, and attractions nearby: hiking, paintball, boating, fishing, swimming, golf, archery, tennis, mountain biking
Kitchens or kitchenettes in the rooms?: Not listed
Childcare provisions?: Not listed
Visit Instructions:
Please submit a photo(s) taken by you of your visit to the location (non-copyrighted photos only). GPS photos are also accepted with the location in the background, and old vacation photos are accepted. Additional pictures are appreciated of the area and facility to help others identify if this is the kind of place they want to stay. If you are not able to provide a photo, then please describe your visit or give a story about the visit
Notify the waymark owner of any changes in the status of the facility to ensure the waymark description is kept current. This may include changes in rates, area attractions, renovations, additions to facilities, increased lodging restrictions, etc.
If you visit and find the facility is closed permanently, notify both the group officers and waymark owner of the change. We will then update the waymark description and name to include the words "Closed permanently", and may consider the waymark to be archived.