Carrie Blake Park Bandshell - Sequim, Washington
N 48° 04.956 W 123° 05.055
10U E 493725 N 5325484
This is bandshell which is located in Carrie Blake Park.
Waymark Code: WM3RHP
Location: Washington, United States
Date Posted: 05/11/2008
Views: 20
Check here if the structure has a roof (required for posting): yes
Check here if the structure is enclosed or mostly enclosed on three sides (required for posting): yes
Bandshell Webpage: Not listed
Visit Instructions:
When visiting a waymark, please take pictures that clearly show the bandshell. If you have pictures with yourself in the bandshell, that would be great too. Also, tell us a little about your visit. It's optional, but if you attended a performance here, tell us about it.
Recent Visits/Logs:
There are no logs for this waymark yet. |