War Memorial, Launceston, Cornwall
N 50° 38.217 W 004° 21.630
30U E 403792 N 5610336
A very ornate War Memorial in the centre of Launceston in Cornwall.
Waymark Code: WM3PRY
Location: United Kingdom
Date Posted: 05/01/2008
Views: 6
This very ornate monument is situated in the centre of the market square. It has five plaques recording the names of the those who lost their lives in the First and Second World Wars. There are three plaques for the First War another two being added later for the Second War.
The foundation stone was laid by HRH Edward Prince of Wales & Duke of Cornwall on the 25 May 1921,
Type of Memorial: Multi-War Memorial
 Wars mentioned (Multi-war only): 1914-1918
 In Honor Of: To the Immortal Honour of those of this town who gave their lives for King and country in the great wars
 Date of dedication: 25 May 1921
 Who Put it Here?: Launceston Town Council
 Description of Memorial: This rather splendid war memorial is sited in the market square in the centre of Launceston. It was originally surrounded by carparking but recently the local council has removed all the parking. This makes the market square area more attractive.
 Marker Text: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
Visited Logs must contain, at least, a picture of the monument and your GPSr. Preferably YOU at the monument with your GPSr, but we understand that some people are camera-shy.
It is suggested you please include something about your visit here, as well.