Timucuan Preserve Trail Tree - Jacksonville, FL
N 30° 22.501 W 081° 28.925
17R E 453679 N 3360439
This Native American trail tree is located in the Theodore Roosevelt Area at the Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve and Fort Caroline National Memorial in Jacksonville, Florida, USA.
Waymark Code: WM3NXC
Location: Florida, United States
Date Posted: 04/27/2008
Views: 67
We found this Native American trail tree along the Willie Browne trail in the Theodore Roosevelt area, an area rich with history of the Timucuan Indian culture.
From the Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve and Fort Caroline National Memorial website
(visit link): "The Timucuan Preserve is named for the Timucua people, who were living in northeast Florida at the time of European arrival in the 16th century. Humans have lived in this area for 6,000 years."
In addition, the website
(visit link) states: "The Timucuans looked to the water for sustenance, settling along rivers or near the coast. (Their prehistoric ancestors are called “People of the Shell Mounds.”) Besides collecting shellfish and fishing, they hunted and gathered in the forests and swamps and planted maize, squash, and beans. In their often pallisaded villages, they lived in circular dwellings with conical palm-thatched roofs and walls of woven vines caulked with clay. Ceremonial squares in the larger villages were the scenes of festivals, dances, and religious ceremonies."