[Closed] The Original Buddhas Delight Restaurant - Boston, MA
Posted by: NorStar
N 42° 21.095 W 071° 03.760
19T E 330114 N 4690873
The Original Buddha's Delight was a restaurant in the Chinatown section of Boston that offered a totally vegetarian menu. It's now a Thai Restaurant, and, therefore, isn't a Chinese Restaurant.
Waymark Code: WM3MV8
Location: Massachusetts, United States
Date Posted: 04/21/2008
Views: 37
A previous visit stated that the name had changed, and it was confirmed in person that this is now the "My Thai Vegan Cafe." Thus, it is not a Chinese Restaurant, anymore. I'll investigate to see if this can be moved to another category."
Original Text
The Original Buddha's Delight Restaurant serves vegetarian only food in the Chinatown District of Boston. It is located on Beach Street at the corner of Washington Street. It is close to the Orange Line Chinatown T Station, but it is within walking distance of the Green Line Boylston T Station.
Don't let initial appearances when entering the building dissuade you from ascending the stairs to the second floor. Not a lot of effort is put in the decore of the restaurant. However, the food is very good - and that comes from an non-vegetarian. I do have to laugh at the menu selections that have names that imply meats, however. Most of the menu selections are considered vegan. There is influences from Japanese, Chinese, Thai and Vietnamese cuisines. The prices are very reasonable for the area - about $10 for an average meal.
The large windows of the restaurant on the second floor provide a view of the sidewalk below where you can watch the people and traffic go by. Washington Street is narrow, here, but it still is a major road. In one direction, it goes to theaters and Downtown Crossing. In the other, it continues toward Tufts Medical Center.
A web site for the restaurant was not found. The link provided has a list of vegetarian restaurants in Boston, including this one.
Web Address (optional ONLY if there is none): [Web Link]
Address: 3 Beach Street 2nd Floor Boston, MA United States 02111
Take-out: no
Cuisine: Not listed
Delivery: Not listed
Visit Instructions:
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