N 39° 05.089 E 139° 38.853
54S E 383026 N 4327059
Harumi, part time member of the killerbunnies team, finds a sign in Ginza Japan seems to point towards her wherever she goes.
Waymark Code: WM3J1Q
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Date Posted: 04/10/2008
Views: 20
Family members are known to join the killerbunnies team when they meet up with Mr & Mrs killerbunnies on geo-trips. Harumi is the sister of Mrs killerbunnies and joined the team during their trip to Japan together.
This strange street sign seemed to point towards Harumi killerbunnies wherever she went. Very unusual! Those crazy Japanese ...
Type of sign: Other
Visit Instructions:Any new pictures whould be great. Have fun with your log.
Especially let us know if you share a name with the sign as well. In that case, it would be great if you posted a pic of yourself with the sign!
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