The river Esk ford at Danby Bridge N.Yorkshire Moors.
N 54° 27.600 W 000° 53.525
30U E 636635 N 6036749
For centuries the river Esk was crossed here by Duck Bridge,until it was decided the ancient bridge should be closed to vehicle traffic and a ford built here.
Waymark Code: WM3G5Y
Location: United Kingdom
Date Posted: 04/01/2008
Views: 69
The ancient medieval Duck bridge built in the 14th.century is a packhorse bridge and cars used to struggle here to squeeze through,and it was decided to build a ford here,and preserve the bridge and allow only foot and horse traffic to continue to use it.
The river Esk at this point is prone to sudden changes in level,and the flow of the river can be rapid,a fatality occurred here at the ford some years ago,when a car was swept away downstream,since then a heavy barrier rail has been placed on the downstream side of the river to hopefully prevent a re occurrence of the tragedy.
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Even older than the bridge are the stepping stones at this point which steps were built into the bridge to reach.
The ford can be found at the village of Danby,in the North Yorkshire Moors England.