Parade Grounds (Portageville) Entrance - Letchworth State Park, New York
Posted by: Szuchie
N 42° 34.778 W 078° 01.731
17T E 743827 N 4718415
This trail tree is located near the Portageville Entrance on the east side of Letchworth State Park.
Waymark Code: WM3BR2
Location: New York, United States
Date Posted: 03/10/2008
Views: 55
This tree may have served as a marker for the native peoples that lived in the Genesee Valley. The Senaca's had a village in Gardeau Valley down stream where Mary Jemison, the "White Woman of the Genesee River Valley" lived until she moved to the Buffalo Creek Reservation in 1831.
This tree may have directed those hiking along the gorge nearby to an overlook of the valley east of Letchworth and perhaps a trail leading down into the valley.
This tree is located alongside the park road leading down to the Parade Grounds, and across from this tree is a small overlook where visitors can park and view the very overlook this tree may have been used for in notifying trail travelers.