Pizza Hut - 6504 28th Ave NW - Edmonton, AB
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Cammac25
N 53° 27.527 W 113° 25.948
12U E 338506 N 5926063
Located in a shopping common area, easily visible from the road.
Waymark Code: WM3BJ7
Location: Alberta, Canada
Date Posted: 03/09/2008
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member ucdvicky
Views: 38

Type of restaurant: Stand Alone

6504 28th Ave NW
Edmonton, AB Canada
T6L 6N3

Seating: yes

Hours: From: 11:00 AM To: 11:00 PM

Delivery: yes

Favorite Pizza:
Gotta go with the classic Pan Pizza, Supreme Lover’s. Extra cheese when I am in the mood for it.

Drive-thru: Not Listed

Visit Instructions:
Please tell us about your visit. Why were you there? What did you eat? Photos are always welcome, but aren't required.
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