Potawatomi "Trail of Death" - Springfield, IL
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N 39° 48.037 W 089° 38.899
16S E 273269 N 4408983
A brief marker detailing the stop in Springfield, IL for the Potawatomi Tribe of Indiana during their forced relocation trek to Kansas.
Waymark Code: WM3ARY
Location: Illinois, United States
Date Posted: 03/06/2008
Views: 74
The Potowatomi
"Trail of Death" begins near Rochester, Indiana and culminates in Osawatomi, Kansas. During the 660 mile march, over 40 died, many of whom were children.
This marker, across from the
Old State Capitol described as being under construction, provides a brief glimpse into
history after the Potowatomi camped in Springfield, Illinois.
The marker reads:
Potowatomi Trail of Death
On Sept. 29, 1838, 800 Potawatomi Indians marched through Springfield on the force removal from Indiana to Kansas. Although many died and they faced severe hardship, they were encouraged by Judge Polke and Chief I-o-weh to exhibit pride, so they put on their best clothes, arranged themselves into line, and with an unusual display of finery, marched through the streets of Springfield. The wayfares were crowded with anxious spectators, so much so as to threaten to impede the emigration. Jared P. Irwin, a stone mason working on the construction of the State Capitol building, recorded his journal that he saw the Indians marching by. Dr. Jerolaman was sick and requested leave to stay in Springfield a few days.
Erected 2000 by Pokagon Potawatomi Tribal Council.