Old State Capitol - Springfield, IL
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N 39° 48.089 W 089° 38.955
16S E 273192 N 4409082
The fifth capitol building for the State of Illinois from 1839-1876.
Waymark Code: WM3ADX
Location: Illinois, United States
Date Posted: 03/04/2008
Views: 60
From the introductory paragraphs of National Register of Historic Places application:
This building, started in 1837, served as the fifth capitol of Illinois, from 1839 until 1876. Here Abraham Lincoln sat in the State Legislature from the time the Hall of the House of Representatives was opened in December 1840, until the session -- Lincoln's last -- ended in the following March. Here Lincoln argued cases before the State Supreme Court, and used the State and Supreme Court libraries. In the Old State Capitol Lincoln accepted the Republican nomination for senator, in the momentous contest with Stephen A. Douglas. On that occasion, June 16, 1858, he made the noted "House Divided" speech which won him considerable attention int he Nation's press, and which is considered on of his greatest addresses. Here, too, Lincoln's body lay in state before interment at Springfield's Oak Ridge Cemetery. The building also was the scene of Stephen A. Douglas' speech of April 25, 1861, declaring for preservation of the Union. Some authorities credit the speech as a major influence in saving Southern Illinois for the Union.
The building, designed by John F. Rague of Springfield, was constructed of cut stone quarried a few miles from the site. I consisted of two floors, and was surmounted by a dome supported by a tower and columns. Porticos supported by large Doric columns were located over the north and south entrances. There were no side entrances in the original. A rotunda used for public meetings extended from the north to the south doors and contained the stairway leading to the second floor.
Today, the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency provides guided tours of this historic structure. Unfortunately, the days and hours of operation are variable depending upon the season. During my visit, they were not open on Monday's and I was not able to tour the interior. The website directs visitors to call ahead to plan their visit. 217-785-7960
Street address: Old State Capitol Plaza Springfield, IL USA 62701
 County / Borough / Parish: Sangamon County
 Year listed: 1966
 Historic (Areas of) Significance: Person, Event
 Periods of significance: 1825-1849, 1850-1874
 Historic function: Government; Capitol
 Current function: Recreation And Culture; Museum
 Privately owned?: no
 Primary Web Site: [Web Link]
 Secondary Website 1: [Web Link]
 Season start / Season finish: Not listed
 Hours of operation: Not listed
 Secondary Website 2: Not listed
 National Historic Landmark Link: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
Please give the date and brief account of your visit. Include any additional observations or information that you may have, particularly about the current condition of the site. Additional photos are highly encouraged, but not mandatory.