Hellfire Pass - Kanchanaburi, Thailand
N 14° 22.296 E 098° 55.513
47P E 491937 N 1588825
This is the deep gorge that was hand cut by Allied POWs on the infamous Death Railway.
Waymark Code: WM35ZT
Location: Thailand
Date Posted: 02/16/2008
Views: 39
Reading about it in books is impressive, but to stand there in the pass looking up, up, up above your head while the voices of survivors are playing through the microphone on your head, then it hits home. How did anyone survive?
My plan is to be AWOL from work on ANZACS Day this year to attend the sunrise ceremony at the pass and hopefully to shake the hands of one or two survivors who usually attend. If nothing else, I will hike the 7km of the railway trail that has been cleared just to say I have. And I will hear those voices in my head even without the headphones.
Related Website: [Web Link]
 Supplementary Related Website: [Web Link]
 Admission Fee: 0
 Opening Days/Times: Daily 9am to 4pm

Visit Instructions:
Posting a picture(s) of the location would be nice although not required.