War Memorial, Callington, Cornwall
N 50° 30.203 W 004° 18.945
30U E 406693 N 5595428
Callington War Memorial.
Waymark Code: WM32P1
Location: United Kingdom
Date Posted: 01/31/2008
Views: 9
Like most towns and villages in Great Britain Callington has its war memorial remembering the dead of the First and Second World Wars.
The main memorial is dedicated to recording the fallen of WWI with a tableaux added in front to record the fallen of WWII
Type of Memorial: Multi-War Memorial
 Wars mentioned (Multi-war only): First World War.
Second World War
 In Honor Of: To the Glory of God and in undying memory of the following men of this parish who gave their lives for their country in the Great War 1914-1918
 Who Put it Here?: Callington Parish Council
 Description of Memorial: The memorial is surmounted by a Celtic Cross and enclosed by metal fencing. The memorial is situated in the middle of the town and is well cared for.
 Date of dedication: Not listed
 Marker Text: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
Visited Logs must contain, at least, a picture of the monument and your GPSr. Preferably YOU at the monument with your GPSr, but we understand that some people are camera-shy.
It is suggested you please include something about your visit here, as well.