Wentzville Lustron
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member kJfishman
N 38° 48.298 W 090° 53.699
15S E 682785 N 4297238
Wentzville MO Lustron.
Waymark Code: WM2PEX
Location: Missouri, United States
Date Posted: 12/01/2007
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member Team Farkle 7
Views: 51

This home can be seen from W Pearce Blvd in Wentzville Mo. The current occupant said that it was built in 1952. The roof was torn off in a tornado in 1983 and was replaced with a shingled roof.
Lustron Model: Unknown

Number of bedrooms: Unknown

Exterior Color: Grey

Serial Number: Not listed

Garage: Not Listed

Breezeway: Not Listed

Visible Modifications: Not listed

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At least 1 quality original photograph (you or GPS, optional).
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wildernessmama visited Wentzville Lustron 11/04/2013 wildernessmama visited it
kJfishman visited Wentzville Lustron 12/26/2007 kJfishman visited it

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