Burger Chef - Route 73 South - Marlton, NJ
N 39° 53.805 W 074° 55.830
18S E 505941 N 4416299
The Marlton Burger Chef was located just before the old Two Guys shopping center. All that's left are the tile floors and foundations. -Closed 1971, vacant until demolished in 1977
Waymark Code: WM2GZA
Location: New Jersey, United States
Date Posted: 11/02/2007
Views: 162
I ate at this restaurant often as a child (4 yrs and 5 yrs old) until they closed it down. I remember very clearly, later that year, they began construction of the Marlton, NJ McDonalds on Route 70. I met Ronald McDonald on opening day. I stood in line on the sidewalk to greet him and get my first hamburger, I liked Burger Chef better. I still live two miles from this site.
The building's been torn down for years, but what remains is the foundation and part of the tile floor, after all these years. I rediscovered this place of my youth while pursuing a geocache. This vacant site has become wooded but is so cool to visit. I would go and grab a tile or two if you can as a highway off-ramp/overpass is scheduled to be built in front of site as part of Marlton Circle replacement. Hurry before it is too late!
What is the street address of this location: Route 73-North of Marlton Circle by 400 feet, South Side
What is this Burger Chef used as today?: Empty Lot
Visit Instructions:
Please post at least one original photo of your visit. We realize that some of these locations may be abandoned so a single photos is acceptable. Try to photograph different aspects or angles of the facility or site. We also encourage you to share your personal recollections of the site or Burger Chef in General.