Oregon Trail at Flagstaff Hill
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N 44° 48.493 W 117° 43.909
11T E 442129 N 4961906
Oregon Trail Ruts along Ore. Hwy. 86 below Oregon Trail Interpretive Center.
Waymark Code: WM2GQ5
Location: Oregon, United States
Date Posted: 10/31/2007
Views: 82
The Oregon Trail route followed the easiest grades wherever possible. In this area the trail came from the southeast across Virtue Flat, heading northwest towards Baker Valley and the divide in the low hills to the north. At this location there are three sets of ruts through this segment, however the second and third sets are very faint.
Road of Trail Name: Oregon Trail
 State: Oregon
 County: Baker
 Historical Significance: For nearly 80 years the Oregon Trail served as a corridor for travelers moving from the eastern US to the west coast.
 Years in use: About 80 years
 How you discovered it: On way to visit the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center
 Website Explination: http://www.blm.gov/or/oregontrail/
 Why?: Settlers to moved west for many reasons including land, gold, and a chance to start over.
 Directions: About a mile north of Baker, Oregon take the exit from I-84 to Ore. Hwy. 86. Oregon Trail site is about 4 miles east.
 Book on Wagon Road or Trial: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
To post a log for this Waymark the poster must have a picture of either themselves, GPSr, or mascot. People in the picture with information about the waymark are preferred. If the waymarker can not be in the picture a picture of their GPSr or mascot will qualify. There are no exceptions to this rule.