WII-3 Strathlachlan
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Wayfarer II
N 56° 06.508 W 005° 12.542
30V E 362626 N 6220350
The original structure was built then and later replaced by a 15th century keep. The chief of the MacLachlans was killed at the Battle of Culloden in 1746. At that time, the castle was ravaged by the Campbells.
Waymark Code: WM2G7
Location: United Kingdom
Date Posted: 10/11/2005
Published By:Groundspeak Charter Member The Hornet
Views: 45

Built sometime between the 13th and 15th centuries; setting of the actual date is under scholarly debate.  Has a unique design in Scotland.  Outward appearance is of a large keep.  Interior actually consists of two large tenements between which is an open court.  Tenements are connected along the north side.

Outside dimensions: 70' north to south, 54' east to west, 43' to top of battlements.

Situated on the eastern shore of Loch Fyne near the present day town of Newton.  The castle is four miles from Inverary.

Fortifications were constructed around the castle for protection.

Four stories plus cellars and battlements.  Great Hall on second floor is said to have been used as a "council room and gathering hall on festal occasions".

Rain water was collected for communal use in the ground floor well (really a cistern system).

Accessibility: Partial access

Condition: Partly ruined

Admission Charge?: no

Website: Not listed

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