Christopher Columbus - Auburn, New York
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member PTCrazy
N 42° 55.918 W 076° 35.235
18T E 370481 N 4754482
This statue depicts a young Christopher Columbus, perhaps pondering his upcoming long voyage that eventually led him to discover America.
Waymark Code: WM2BWX
Location: New York, United States
Date Posted: 10/08/2007
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member skrabut
Views: 51

This statue sits in a small city park across from the St. Francis of Assisi church on Clark Street. there is a plaque on the base of the statue that reads:

This monument honors Christopher Columbus, our first immigrant
And all our immigrant parents and grandparents who by their
prayers, hard work, and perserverance, fashioned a great nation
out of a vast wilderness. God grant that we imitate their virtues,
especially love of God and love of country.
URL of the statue: [Web Link]

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