Indian Punch Bowl
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member La de Boheme
N 38° 19.188 W 077° 28.539
18S E 283576 N 4244198
This stone basin is said to have been used by Indians as a punch bowl during hunting festivals.
Waymark Code: WM29N5
Location: Virginia, United States
Date Posted: 09/28/2007
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member Miragee
Views: 57

The rock sits alongside the Rappahannock River in Fredericksburg. Francis Thornton found it on his land in Fredericksburg and inscribed '1720' on it.

Little is known about the original history of the basin, but another legend has it that it was originally carved into the rocks by Indians who used it to brew their poison for the tip of their arrows. When Thornton found the bowl, he cleaned it out and served punch in it during his river parties. In additon to the date he carved (1720), it is also said he carved the initials of his guests where he held a fish fry for his friends every year for forty years.

Today, you can find the Indian Punch Bowl in the Historic Old Mill District near the site of Thornton's Mill. It is located close to the street where you can park and also view interpretive signs.

I was exploring the historic area and also looking for a geocache in the vicinity when I noticed the Punch Bowl.
Type: Bedrock Mortar

How did you find this "Ancient Evidence": Geocaching

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Trailhead: Not Listed

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