Lustron Near Madison, IN
Posted by:
N 38° 45.299 W 085° 23.252
16S E 640110 N 4290821
1447 Michigan Rd, Madison, IN
Waymark Code: WM2888
Location: Indiana, United States
Date Posted: 09/20/2007
Views: 48
The database indicates this as a Westchester Deluxe. Address is not accurate on the database. Appears in satisfactory condition. Roof has been redone. I wonder how they roofed over the metal panels? Found this one by accident while going out to get a bite to eat. Late in the day, and the sun was going down fast, so the pictures are a little rough.
Lustron Model: Westchester
 Number of bedrooms: 3
 Exterior Color: Blue
 Garage: yes
 Visible Modifications: New roof installed. Garage is not an optional one.
 Serial Number: Not listed
 Breezeway: Not Listed

Visit Instructions:
At least 1 quality original photograph (you or GPS, optional).
No web shots.