Lafayette Street Cemetery
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Lazer
N 34° 36.803 W 086° 59.128
16S E 501332 N 3830170
Historical cemetery located in Decatur, AL
Waymark Code: WM2821
Location: Alabama, United States
Date Posted: 09/19/2007
Published By:Groundspeak Charter Member Max Cacher
Views: 21

The Lafayette Street Cemetery dates back to 1818 and is in the middle of the Decatur National Historic District in Decatur, AL. There is a great deal of history in this area. One of the first railroads west of the Allegheny Mountains, a Civil War battle, an old state bank, and more. This cemetery is right in the middle of several buildings. Most of the graves have no readable markers due to being so old. There are about 25 graves in this small cemetery.
City, Town, or Parish / State / Country: Not listed

Approximate number of graves: Not listed

Cemetery Status: Not listed

Cemetery Website: Not listed

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Scrawlinn visited Lafayette Street Cemetery 05/15/2008 Scrawlinn visited it

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