Tin Dish School, Namadgi National Park, ACT Australia
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Tealby
S 35° 52.579 E 148° 59.199
55H E 679342 N 6027947
Ruins of an old one room, one teacher school house, which only operated for 3 years with 7 students.
Waymark Code: WM25K2
Location: Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Date Posted: 09/09/2007
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member macdonr
Views: 68

From the website:
Across the road from Brayshaw's hut, are the ruins of an old school house. Known locally as the Tin Dish School, and officially as the Bobeyan Subsidised School, it was a small one roomed structure of weatherboards and iron. It was built by local parents from materials from another school.

Only squared blocks of grey stone from the fire place remain. it opened for first term of 1907, operated for four terms of 1908 and 1909, then closed at the end of the first term in 1910.

William Gottaas was the teacher. Children from the Dwyer, Perry, Weterman and Chalker families attended, as their holdings were along nearby Grassy Creek.
Tharwa to Adaminaby Road
Namadgi NP, ACT Australia

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