Christ Presbyterian Church Labyrinth, , Martinsville, New Jersey
Posted by: sparkie48
N 40° 37.047 W 074° 35.061
18T E 535158 N 4496374
The Journey of Faith Labyrinth is found at Christ Presbyterian Church, 1600 Washington Valley Road, corner of Crim Road, Martinsville, New Jersey 08836
Their web site is :, and their phone number is 1-908-722-2080
Waymark Code: WM25E
Location: New Jersey, United States
Date Posted: 10/04/2005
Views: 99
This Labyrinth was built by the members of the Christ Presbyterian Church, Martinsville, New Jersey in celebration of their first 40 years of ministry as a congregation. Each brick was donated by one of the members of the church or friends of the church in celebration of their faith journeys, All Faiths are welcome here and it is open dawn to dusk year around.
A labyrinth is an ancient pattern found in many cultures around the world, as far back as 4000 years.
Many patterns are based on spirals from nature.
The Celts described the labyrinth as the Never Ending Circle. It is also called Kabala in the mystical Judaism back to the Middle Ages, when walking labyrinths, like the one in the floor of Chartres Catherdral in France, served as a poor person's holy pilgrimage.
Labyrinths are currently being used world wide as a way to quiet the mind, find balance, and encourage meditation, insight and celebration.
Labyrinths may be found in parks, churches, prisons, retreat centers, non denominations and cross-cultural tools of well-being.
The Journey of Faith Labyrinth in Martinsville, New Jersey, is constructed in the Maltese design similar to the l3th century found in the Cathedral of Amiens, France. Viewed from above a Maltese cross can be discerned by its paths.
The octagonal form of this labyrinth pattern is reminiscent of medieval baptistry architecture, and symbolizes resurrection, perfection, and rebirth.
The number 8 is also symbolic of an abundance of fullness and the number 8 is a powerful symbol in the Judaism and Islam religion as well.
Of universal significance is the notion that the corners of the octogon signify the eight points of the compass and symbolizes the global inclusiveness in this sacred space.
This information came from ... .. and the title is ..... About Labyrinths . This is where this information came from, and it is also printed on the pamphlet WELCOME TO THE JOURNERY OF FAITH LABYRINTH, free from the Christ Presbyterian Church in Martinsville, New Jersey,
I have taken several pictures of the Christ Presbyterian Church Labyrinth, so be sure to see the gallery on the blue hyperlink below, Come see for yourself, all are welcome here.
Maze Type: Painted/Tile Maze
Directions: stay on Washington Valley Road until you come to Crim Road in Martinsville, New Jersey,
Admission (Adult): 0.00 (listed in local currency)
Admission (Child): 0.00 (listed in local currency)
Location: 1600 Washington Valley Road, corner of Crim Rd Martinsville, New Jersey United States 08836
Dates Available: From: 01/01/1965 To: 12/31/2005
Visit Instructions:
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