Spring Hill Cemetery - Lynchburg, Virginia, USA
N 37° 23.734 W 079° 09.952
17S E 662352 N 4140333
Historic Spring Hill Cemetery is located on Fort Avenue in Lynchburg, Virginia
Waymark Code: WM24EC
Location: Virginia, United States
Date Posted: 09/02/2007
Views: 148
Spring Hill Cemetery was Lynchburg’s first, “rural cemtery", and was modeled after Mount Auburn Cemetery in Boston and Richmond’s Historic Hollywood Cemetery. The cemetery was designed by John Notman who was the famous landscape architect that designed Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond. Sprng Hill recorded it’s first burial in 1855 and is still accepting burials today. Spring Hill Cemetery is a very large cemetery and the final resting place of more than 5,000 people. Spring Hill Cemetery is located at 3000 Fort Avenue, Lynchburg, Virginia.
Spring Hill is the final resting place of several hundred Confederate Veterans including Generals Jubal Early, James Dearing and Thomas Munford. Other notable people buried here are former Secretary of the Treasury Carter Glass, and bluegrass musician Don Reno.
City, Town, or Parish / State / Country: Not listed
Approximate number of graves: Not listed
Cemetery Status: Not listed
Cemetery Website: Not listed
Visit Instructions:
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