SVC College
Posted by: Maddog1488
N 42° 52.072 W 073° 12.179
18T E 646787 N 4747708
The Haunted Mansion
Waymark Code: WM21C
Location: Vermont, United States
Date Posted: 09/28/2005
Views: 59
This Haunted Mansion is located in Bennington VErmont and is the administrations office.
Southern Vermont College - Located on Mount Anthony. There are great photos of supernatural images, like the statues, you can see in the photo. The seminary closed and turned into a co-ed college (southern Vermont college). According to years of students/staff doing night security, this is what haunts the house: the second wife (common), Everett himself (rarely though), and a person in a black hooded robe (most seen). Common occurrence: smoke filled hallways, lights turn on in room that are locked, door/windows unlocked after being locked on the previous security round, footsteps all around the college when no one else is in the building. The 2 main haunts in this mansion is the 3rd floor: Abbey room is burning with energy. Now a classroom, was the sleeping quarters for house staff (maid hung herself.
Will post more when I find a security guard who will talk about it. The one I met today and asked about it would not say anything but I could see in his eyes he has experienced something.
Type: Ghost Stories and Local Haunts
Website Reference: [Web Link]
Referenced in (list books, websites and other media): Not listed
Additional Coordinates: Not Listed