Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge - Oregon
Posted by: Bandmaster
N 44° 57.725 W 123° 15.444
10T E 479699 N 4978770
The 2,492 acre Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge was created to provide vital wintering habitat for dusky Canada geese. By resting in undisturbed areas on the refuges, wintering geese regain energy reserves required for migration and nesting.
Waymark Code: WM207N
Location: Oregon, United States
Date Posted: 08/13/2007
Views: 31
Here is how to get to the Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge: On Interstate 5, take exit 253, and proceed west through Salem, toward Dallas, Oregon. Travel west on Highway 22 from the intersection of Highways 22 and 99W, north of Rickreall, Oregon. Proceed about 2 miles and watch for the information and wildlife viewing area on the right: N 44° 57.150 W 123° 16.148 This is your first coordinate and a great place to start as you will be able to enter the Kiosk and viewing area easily and directly off Highway 22.
N 44 57.725 W 123 15.444 This main and final coordinate will take you into the center of the Refuge and to a trail head parking area where you have the opportunity to hike along four connecting trails:
1. Baskett Butte Observation Platform (Length: 3/4 of a mile)Yr. round
2. Baskett Butte Loop Trail (Length: 1 mile) Open: Yr. round
3. Morgan Lake Trail (Length: 3.2 miles) Open: 4/1 to 9/30
4. Inter-Tie Trail (Length: less than 1/2 mile 4/1 to 9/30
To reach the trail head parking lot(main coordinates), drive east on Highway 22 from the Highway 22 Wildlife Viewing Kiosk to the Highway 22/99W intersection. Turn left on 99W and drive North less than a mile and then turn left (West) on Coville Rd. Coville Rd. is gravel from this point on to the Baskett Butte Loop trail head parking lot. Restrooms provided) I recommend that you first hike up the short distance (3/4's of a mile) to the Baskett Butte Observation Platform where you will experience a beautiful view of the refuge and beyond.
Please read the plaque!
NWR or Protected Planet Website: [Web Link]
Point of Interest (POI): Visitor Information
Visit Instructions:
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