Take Out Menu: Wheat Montana Bakery & Deli - Bozeman, MT
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member CM-14
N 45° 41.522 W 111° 03.801
12T E 495067 N 5059833
A bakery in Bozeman, MT that offers take out.
Waymark Code: WM1WAC
Location: Montana, United States
Date Posted: 07/19/2007
Published By:Groundspeak Charter Member Jeremy
Views: 164

Restaurant Address:
1262 Stoneridge Drive
Bozeman, MT US

Phone Number: 406-522-0550

Has delivery service?: yes

Website: [Web Link]

Type of Food: Primarily sandwiches

Average time of delivery: 30

Visit Instructions:
If you've used the service it'd be great to post a note. Photos of your food is recommended but not required. There is no need to visit the restaurant location to log the listing as long as you have food delivered. A photo of the pickup location would be helpful if you pick up your food.
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ZenPanda visited Take Out Menu:  Wheat Montana Bakery & Deli - Bozeman, MT 04/09/2006 ZenPanda visited it

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