CPO - T0L 0K0 - Bragg Creek, Alberta
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N 50° 57.116 W 114° 33.715
11U E 671245 N 5647310
The Bragg Creek Post Office is in a modern building set built to suit the rustic look of the mall.
Waymark Code: WM1CPY
Location: Alberta, Canada
Date Posted: 04/06/2007
Views: 130
The Bragg Creek Post Office celebrated its 95th anniversary in 2006
On May 1, 2001 the Post Office in Bragg Creek celebrated 90 years in business with a party and a re-enactment of a horseback delivery of mail to 450 children at Banded Peak school. Current postmaster, Jaquie Bishop, and her son Dale delivered special anniversary edition stamped, comemorative envelops to the school.
The first post office:
Bill Graham, his wife and family, arrived in Bragg Creek about 1909, settling on the the land where the Saddle and Sirloin Ranch is now located. A man named Ira Johnson lived there during 1908, staying less than a year. This is the area where Albert Bragg lived when A.O. Wheeler surveyed and named the area.
Graham had a fairly large log house on a steep hill, overlooking the creek. The kitchen of this house also served as the first post office. For the first six months, Bill's cousin, Wesley Fitzgerald carried the mail to and from Jumping Pound, before Bill Graham took over.