Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member deegees
S 40° 50.516 E 145° 07.556
55G E 342008 N 5477099
As a SMITH, I have great pleasure in announcing the presence of SMITH Street, in the town of SMITHTON
Waymark Code: WM1BZV
Location: Tasmania, Australia
Date Posted: 03/30/2007
Published By:Groundspeak Charter Member The Leprechauns
Views: 55

Type of sign: Street sign

Visit Instructions:
Any new pictures whould be great. Have fun with your log.

Especially let us know if you share a name with the sign as well. In that case, it would be great if you posted a pic of yourself with the sign!

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Whitepaws9 visited Smith St, SMITHTON, TASMANIA, AUSTRALIA 01/18/2016 Whitepaws9 visited it