American Flag Wings ~ Mitchell, SD
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member childofatom
N 43° 42.610 W 098° 01.441
14T E 578629 N 4840145
A large and small set of wings with American flag style in Mitchell, SD.
Waymark Code: WM1AGEQ
Location: South Dakota, United States
Date Posted: 08/16/2024
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Alfouine
Views: 7

On the wall of the ROCS Community Closet Thrift Store, at Lawler and 2nd in historic downtown Mitchell, SD you will find these patriotic eagle wings, waiting for you to step into place and take your photo!
Type of Wings: Abstract Wings

Number of Wing Sets: 2

Artist Name (if available): Stan Sherwood

Date Mural or 3D Artwork was created (if available): 2021

Do the wings represent a business?: no

If Other - Please explain: Not listed

Name of Mural or 3D Artwork (If available): Not listed

If Yes - list business: Not listed

Enter the Mural or 3D art website (if it exists): Not listed

Visit Instructions:
Original photo of the wing mural or 3D artwork and description of your visit or something unique you found in the wings. No drive by or internet photos - you must actually visit the location.
Optional: include an interactive photo with yourself or someone in your group posing with the wings at their back.
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