SI Museu de les Ciències - Valencia, C Valenciana, España
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Ariberna
N 39° 27.378 W 000° 21.127
30S E 727820 N 4370761
little martians here and there.
Waymark Code: WM1A241
Location: Comunidad Valenciana, Spain
Date Posted: 06/05/2024
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member FamilieFrohne
Views: 1

It's in the science museum, inaugurated in 2000 and with that permanent area (the space one) with Pedro Duque's suit, galactic robot exhibits...In this area of the building there is a demonstration about space, planets, etc.
In this corner, there are the little martians from the Space Invaders game on the wall, placed at the beginning of the game. There are withe in black background.
To set the mood, there is a free arcade machine for you to play and remember those moments.
Museo de las Ciencias

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Ariberna visited SI Museu de les Ciències  - Valencia, C Valenciana, España 09/02/2024 Ariberna visited it