Estación de Dolores Hidalgo - Guanajuato, Mexico
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member LightRich1
N 21° 09.787 W 100° 53.952
14Q E 302807 N 2341380
This train station was inaugurated on September 15, 1910 as part of the celebrations for the Centennial of Mexico's independence. Currently part of its facilities are converted into a municipal public library.
Waymark Code: WM19T8T
Location: Guanajuato, Mexico
Date Posted: 04/08/2024
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Country_Wife
Views: 0

This station belonged to the former National Railway Company of Mexico. It was built on land that belonged to the Hacienda del Rincón, whose purchase by the former Company of the National Railways of Mexico, was formalized by deed dated June 22, 1910. The construction of the line was carried out by the concession of the September 13, 1880 to the Compañía Constructora Nacional Mexicana, which was later consolidated as Compañía del Camino de Hierro Nacional Mexicana.

Source: (visit link)
Is the station/depot currently used for railroad purposes?: No

Is the station/depot open to the public?: Yes

If the station/depot is not being used for railroad purposes, what is it currently used for?:
Since February 2024, part of the facilities were equipped to accommodate the municipal public library.

What rail lines does/did the station/depot serve?: Mexico - Laredo

Station/Depot Web Site: Not listed

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Please post an original picture of the station/depot taken while you were there. Please also record how you came to be at this station/depot and any interesting information you learned about it while there.
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